These IPM guidelines provide an extensive collection of tools and strategies to manage pests in grain cropping systems.

It is not possible to have a rigidly defined set of IPM rules because for each cropping system and season the suite of pests that require management is different. Available management tools also vary between regions and over time. Therefore these guidelines use a problem-solving approach drawing on the available tools that are working within a specific cropping situation.

IPM guidelines for grains contains information about the main pests of grains, the major grain crops and a range of supporting information to guide users in making better decisions about pest management.



This national website is maintained by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (DPI). Developed by DPI with initial funding from the National Invertebrate Pest Initiative (NIPI), it has also had valuable input from the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, South Australian Research and Development Institute, cesar and CSIRO.

The website is supported by growers and the Australian Federal Government through the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). All the images used are from DPI, unless otherwise stated.