In addition to the customised workbooks, participants at the 2013-15 ‘Decision making for insect management’ workshops were provided with a range of additional reference material.
On this page:
- “Best bet” IPM strategies
- North region insect management manuals
- I-spy manual
- Insectopedia
- Useful links
- Further reading
See also individual Workshop presentations.
‘Best bet’ IPM strategies
These IPM strategies have been developed to highlight the crop stages with increased risk of pest pressure, and summarise the range of activities available to mitigate the risk of damage (available as pdf files ~150kB each).
- Establishment pests (north)
- Establishment pests (south)
- Canola
- Sorghum (north)
- Summer pulses
- Sunflower (north)
- Winter cereals (north)
- Winter pulses (south)
See also Economic threshold ready reckoners (quick reference tables for key insect pests) – June 2013, 190 kB PDF
North region manuals
These manuals gather together the latest insect pest management information relevant to the Northern region.
- Chickpea (March 2013) – 2.2 MB PDF
- Maize (March 2013) – 740 kB PDF
- Insect identification and management in pulses (Good Bug? Bad Bug? book – March 2013, available from the Beatsheet website)
- Sorghum (March 2013) – 1.1 MB PDF
- Sunflower (March 2013) – 1.7 MB PDF
- Winter cereals (July 2013) – 1.8 MB PDF
I SPY manual
Published in 2012, I SPY is a comprehensive 212-page resource manual for southern Australian broadacre farmers and advisers covering basic taxonomy, important insect groups and identification keys, and descriptions of common species, as well as information on monitoring, IPM principles, and biosecurity.
To download a pdf of the manual, order hard copies, or for more information, visit the GRDC website.
The I SPY manual includes:
- Introduction
- Basic insect taxonomy, external anatomy, lifecycles and development
- Important insect groups and identification keys
- Common pest, beneficial and exotic species
- IPM principles and case studies
- Monitoring, record keeping, sampling techniques and economic thresholds
- Biosecurity
- Glossary
An electronic insect pest management manual for the major pests of southern Australian grain growing and grazing regions, Insectopedia was originally released as a CD. Visit insectopedia online.
Each pest is described and illustrated in detail with an overview, a description of identifiable features, biology, damage (including crops affected), and control (monitoring, sampling methods, control thresholds where available).
© State of Victoria Department of Primary Industries (2000). Reproduced with permission.
Useful links
Links to websites, fact sheets and other information of interest. Click on an image or link to open the relevant website.
The Beatsheet blog
The Beatsheet blog is a website about insect pest management issues relevant to Australia’s northern grain region of Queensland and northern New South Wales. The blog provides technical information, pest risk alerts, and practical management information about a range of insect pests that have the potential to significantly reduce productivity and profits for the industry.
PestFacts is a FREE electronic newsletter service, designed to keep broadacre growers and advisers informed about invertebrate pest-related issues and solutions as they emerge during the growing season. Two separate editions are available: South Australia + western Victoria, and south-eastern Australia.
State Department and cesar websites
These websites contain a variety of insect identification and management information.
- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
- cesar Australia
Threshold calculators
Available at the Beatsheet blog, calculators for Helicoverpa in chickpeas and sorghum, and sorghum midge can be used on-line, and users with the latest browser versions of Internet Explorer (9+), Chrome, Firefox or Safari, the calculator can also be used offline.
GRDC information products
GRDC’s website provides links to a wide range of factsheets, publications and other tools, including their new GrowNotes online flip-books and Back pocket guides. For more information, visit the resources section of the GRDC website.
Useful apps
A variety of entomology and pest management apps are currently available for both Apple and Android. These are constantly being updated, and new apps added.
The GRDC has supported the development of several apps, including Insect ID: The Ute Guide. For more information, and links to the Android and iTunes versions, visit the GRDC website.
Entomological supplies
Suppliers of equipment for sampling, such as hand lenses, microscopes, beat sheets, sweep nets and more…
- Australian Entomological Supplies Pty Ltd
- Dino-Lite digital microscopes
- Bugs for bugs
- Pheromone traps for Helicoverpa monitoring
Other information sources
- Insect identification resources (CSIRO) – includes ‘What bug is that?’
- Entomology Australia (University of Queensland)
- Insect & mite control in field crops – NSW Primary Industries
- Good Bug? Bad Bug? insect identification in pulses – available from the Beatsheet’s resources page.
- Ispray — farm chemical application factsheets, calculators and other tools (Bill Gordon Consulting)
Further reading
- The Chickpea book. WA Dept of Agriculture
- Pests of Field Crops and Pastures: Identification and Control. 2007. P. Bailey (Ed.)
- Crop Insects: The Ute Guide. Northern Grain Belt edition. 2001. TopCrop (GRDC)
- Pests and Beneficials in Australian Cotton Landscapes. 2011. (CottonInfo)
- Good Bug? Bad Bug? identification guide for insects in pulses (2013). (Beatsheet)
- Chemical-free heliothis pupae control. Boddington J and Murray D, DPI Farming Systems Institute. 1998. CropLink QI98036
- Spring trap crops snare damaging heliothis. Boddington J and Murray D, DPI Farming Systems Institute. 1998. CropLink Brochure QI98035
- Trap-cropping: A fad or a useful Helicoverpa management tool. Miles M & Ferguson J, DPI Farming Systems Institute. 2003. DPI Notes
- Understanding Helicoverpa ecology and biology: Know the enemy to manage it better, DPI&F brochure 2005 QI070878
- Using NPV to manage Helicoverpa in field crops. DPI&F brochure 2005 QI04080
- Parasitoids: Natural enemies of Helicoverpa. DPI&F brochure 2005 QI04081.
- Spring trap crop management guidelines. Ferguson J, Miles M, Murray D, Dillon M, Kauter G, Lloyd R and Sequeira R. 2000. Cotton CRC QI00049
- Heliothis Growth Stage Identification Chart. Forrester N, Fitt G & Pyke B. CSD brochure.
Controlling green vegetable bug (GVB) and other podsucking bugs in mungbeans. Brier H & Lucy M, DPI Farming Systems Institute. 1999. CropLink QI990003 - Identifying insect pests in soybeans. Brier H & Lucy M, DPI Farming Systems Institute. 1999. CropLink. QI99036